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wave shaper中文是什么意思

用"wave shaper"造句"wave shaper"怎么读"wave shaper" in a sentence


  • 波形控制物
  • 波形速形器


  • The experimental results show that the wave shaper can control the moving direction of the rod fragments after the warheads exploded and ensure the integrity rate of the rod and that there is a close relationship between the flight attitude and the positioned angle , which is mainly reflected by the rotation velocity of the rod
  • In those experiments wave shapers have been utilized to modify the incident wave so that the condition of constant strain rate is satisfied more sufficiently . the effect of outer factors on the stress equilibrium of early stage in the specimen was analyzed , and the methods to improve the uniformity of stress in specimen at early stage were given . the elastic wave velocity of specimens can be determined by the wave shape fitting of the predicted transmitted wave with the measured transmitted wave at the early stage , furthermore , the shifting - time in shpb data processing can be determined
用"wave shaper"造句  


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